Education & Training


Overview: Baldrige Excellence Framework & SPQA

An SPQA ambassador will provide a 1-hour overview of the use of the Framework, and how SPQA may help your organization begin or expand its efforts toward organizational excellence. Sessions are schedule at the convenience of the host organization.

Target Audience: Organization leaders, professional, or business associations.

Purpose: Provide information about ways Baldrige Excellence Framework and SPQA may assist your organization.

Cost: FREE

Sessions: Sessions are scheduled at the convenience of the host organization. 10-day advance notice is required to schedule an informational session.


Community Workshops

This 8-hour workshop is a detailed introduction to the Baldrige Excellence Framework. Using the Case Study of a fictitious organization’s responses to the Baldrige Criteria, our trained examiners will facilitate large group discussion, and small group exercises to explore the Criteria. Sessions are offered four times per year in various locations throughout the Virginia and DC as determined by SPQA.

Target Audience: Open to any individual new to the Baldrige Excellence Framework.

Purpose: To introduce the Framework concepts including Baldrige Core Values, and Process and Results Criteria Items.

Cost: $210/person (lunch and materials provided)

Training Sessions: Sessions are offered four times per year in various locations throughout the state as determined by SPQA. Learn more about upcoming sessions.


Contract Workshops

This introduction to the Baldrige Excellence Framework includes focused discussions around your organization’s use of the Criteria. Small group exercises will be based on the current Baldrige Case Study and follow up discussion will provide opportunities for focused dialogue around your process and results. Sessions are scheduled at a time and location convenient for you.

Target Audience: Open only to members or guests of the contracting organization.

Purpose: To introduce the Framework concepts including Baldrige Core Values, and Process and Results Criteria Items and provide opportunities to explore its application to your specific organization excellence goals.

Cost: $2,500 includes up to 10 participants; $225 each additional participant. Lunch and materials are provided.

Sessions: Sessions are scheduled at a time and location convenient to you. 30-day scheduling notice is requested to allow adequate time for preparation.


Custom Seminars

Custom workshops are designed to meet the unique needs of organizations. The training team will develop a 4-hour seminar that includes a general overview of the Framework and discussion on a specific Criteria Items; or an 8-hour seminar providing an introduction the Baldrige Excellence Framework with a focus on up to three items of special interest to the organization. Examples include: focused discussion on certain process items; a guided discussion and developing your Organizational Profile; Results Category; linkage between Process and Results. Small group exercises may be based on a published Case Study or your organization’s self-assessment or other documentation that you make available to our training team to allow for customization of the discussion.

Target Audience: Open only to members or guests of the contracting organization.

Purpose: To provide your organization facilitated opportunities to conduct customized and targeted training sessions or discussion groups around select and/or chosen aspects of the Framework concepts and Criteria.


        • Full-day Seminar: $3,150 (for up to 10 participants/ $280/Each additional participant (lunch and materials provided).
        • Half-day Seminar: $1,800 (for up to 10 participants Groups larger than 10 participants may be subject to additional fees to be discussed with the SPQA representative.

Sessions: Sessions duration, time and location are determined at the convenience of the contracting organization. To allow for the development of customized curriculum, a 45-day lead time is preferred for this format. The SPQA team will advise you of the specific timeline based on your specific requirements.



Examiner Training Experience (ETE

Participants learn alongside senior and new examiners, and SPQA experienced facilitators, the methods and techniques used by examiners to evaluate organizational processes and results. You will work in groups, learning through a peer-driven, case study-based approach to evaluate a fictitious organization’s responses to the Baldrige Criteria. Prior to the training, each participant will be required to complete a 30-40-hour pre-work activity to prepare you for the in-person training. Courses are generally offered in January.

Target Audience: Individuals interested in learning examiner skills but who are unable to commit the time required to serve on the Board of Examiners.

Purpose: To provide individuals with an understanding of SPQA award process, and the SPQA examiner role in the process and learn to evaluate an organization’s processes and results using the six-step evaluation process for assessing an applicant’s responses. Participants will learn to write feedback comments to help an organization’s processes and results.

Cost: $1,000/person (lunch and materials provided)

Sessions: Tentative: January 9-10, 2025
Sessions are scheduled in tandem with Examiner training usually in mid- to late January of each year.


Examiner Training

Individuals who have applied and have been selected as candidates for SPQA’s Board of Examiners will participate in 2.5 days of classroom activities to learn or improve their knowledge of the methods and techniques used by examiners to evaluate an organization’s processes and results. You will work in groups, learning through a peer-driven, case study-based approach to evaluate a fictitious organization’s responses to the Baldrige Criteria. Prior to the training, each participant will be required to complete a 30-40-hour pre-work activity to prepare you or the in-person training. Courses are generally offered in January.

Target Audience: Individuals interested in serving on the SPQA Board of Examiners.

Purpose: To provide individuals with an understanding of the SPQA award process, the role of the SPQA Examiner, and evaluating an organization’s processes and results using the six-step evaluation process for assessing an applicant’s responses. Participants will learn to write feedback comments to provide opportunities to improve an organization’s processes and results.

Training Sessions: Tentative: January 9-10, 2025
Sessions are scheduled in tandem with Examiner training, which is usually in mid- to late January of each year.

Cost: FREE (lunch and materials provided) for individuals who complete the Evaluation cycle through Site Visit. Please review the time participation requirements for all Examiners in the 2025 SPQA Examiner Guide. Your commitment as an SPQA Examiner is a promise to the assigned applicant and to the other members of your Examiner team to remain fully engaged and a contributing team member during the entire Examiner process.


Learn more about additional SPQA services with Pathways to Excellence.
For additional information about SPQA Services & Programs, please email or call 571-215-8881.