SPQA provides organizations in Virginia, the District of Columbia, and Maryland an affordable approach to learning about and applying the Baldrige Framework to their organizations. We depend on several factors to help keep the cost of our services affordable including a volunteer workforce and securing contributions and in-kind support from individuals and organizations that believe in SPQA and its mission: “…to promote continual improvement strategies and to provide training, mentoring, and recognition to organizations in pursuit of performance excellence”.
Individuals and organizations may contribute to SPQA’s mission in several ways. Among them, donating time/talent, and donating financial & in-kind resources.
- Time and Talent.
- Volunteer Examiner. Respond to our annual call to serve as a Volunteer Examiner and be selected to serve on our annual Board of Examiners. That call goes out every October.
- Volunteer other. Contact Executive Director at executive.director@spqa-va.org to discuss a match with your skills and our needs.
- Build capacity in the region to further the Baldrige mind-set. Contact the Programs Services if interested in any of the following:
- Send teams to our Baldrige Framework and Criteria Training workshops.
- Host a training at your site for employees of your organization.
- Partner with SPQA by offering meeting or workshop training spaces; knowledge opportunities in organizational improvement relevant to our customers, or other support.
- Donate (tax deductible) via PayPal.
- Annual Program Sponsorship. Provide funds to help cover SPQA program planning costs. Complete and submit this form.
- Sponsor an organization through Tiers 1, 2, or 3 of the SPQA Pathways to Excellence program.
- Time and Talent.
We look forward to having you as a supporter & partner. Contact SPQA at executive.director@spqa-va.org or call 571.215.8881 to discuss donation, volunteer, sponsorship and/or partnership options.