2024 Application Process

SPQA uses the Baldrige Performance Excellence Framework as the basis for its award application, evaluation, scoring, and feedback methods.

To apply, contact us at programs.services@spqa-va.org. We will build a custom quote for your services.

  1.  Service agreements in place: Friday, October 13, 2023
  2.  The 2024 SPQA Award Guide provides details on how to complete your application. Applications Due: Friday, January 12, 2024.
  3.  Select your sector-appropriate Baldrige Criteria Guide (PDF)  i.e., Business/Nonprofit, (including , Manufacturing, Service, Small Business, Nonprofit, and Government) Education, Healthcare. Note:  SPQA’s award cycle is one year behind the current National Baldrige Program.

Consult the Award Guide for the appropriate version of the Baldrige Excellence Framework to use when completing your application.