The Federal Facilities Division (FFD) has been awarded Virginia SPQA’s prestigious Achievement in Performance Excellence Award. This distinction greatly contributes to FFD’s reputation and builds upon its vision to earn the unquestioned reputation of being the best-in-class facilities management organization.
The Division’s mission is to preserve the institution of the Pentagon and cultivate an inspired workforce to serve the needs of the warfighter by providing comprehensive and integrated facilities management to the Pentagon Reservation, which includes the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), Washington Headquarter Services (WHS), and tenant organizations. The SPQA promotes continuous improvement strategies and provides a vehicle for positive change for organizations, such as the FFD, that are in pursuit of performance excellence; a strategic tool to evaluate our progress and to help us achieve our vision. The value of the SPQA process for FFD lies in its ability to assess the performance and innovations of the organization, which aids in FFD understanding its strengths and opportunities for improvement. The insights gained from the self-assessment and from the examiners have provided FFD with new perspectives that have been invaluable. Participating in this process has resulted in FFD improving upon every measurable aspect of its customer, workforce, and business. Baldrige provides a common language for diverse service providers, such as FFD, and advances the opportunity to unite an organization in accomplishing a common goal.
View Award winners since Virginia SPQA began.